How to Create a Killer About Page that Converts

Want to know one of the most important pages of your website?

If you answered the homepage, think again.

It’s your About Page!

And yet, it’s often a complete afterthought for most businesses.

Don’t have an About Page?

Oh my, go ahead and slap yourself now.

This page is a treasure trove of possibility and probably one of the most visited pages of your website.

If you want to differentiate yourself, build customer trust and ultimately make more sales – you need to give it some love and attention.

So open up that dusty old page you wrote on a whim years ago and listen up!

If you want to attract your ideal customer, tell your story. Make an emotional connection.

You can have a website full of juicy content, but none of it matters if visitors don’t connect with you on an emotional level!

We are emotional beings and make emotional decisions.

The About Page is your secret weapon to hooking your ideal customer. If a visitor identifies with your story, your values and your mission, they’ll want to work with you.

We do business with people we know, like and trust. Your About Page is how you build that rapport and trust.

It could be the single most important factor that turns a visitor into a customer and raving fan.

So be fearless. Lay it all out there. Who are you? Why are you in business? What ignites your soul? What breaks you’re heart? How can you help your visitors? How can you change their lives?

Here are some examples of entrepreneurs who have awesome About Pages and:

Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo About Page

Marie Forleo is an entrepreneur, business coach and best-selling author.

She has a killer “About” page.

She strategically differentiates herself by writing in her unique style. At the same time, she big names like Oprah, Richard Branson and Tony Robbins. She tells a story that will make any one of her ideal customers say “YES! I understand you!” while also not being afraid to say just how much success she’s had.

Marie has one of the best “About” pages on the net. If you’re totally lost on what your “About” page should look like, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take some inspiration from Marie Forleo.

Rachel Macdonald’s

Rachel Macdonald About Page

Rachel Macdonald is a writer, coach and speaker who specialises in helping women live the lives they truly desire.

She opens with a powerful mission statement that magnetises anyone who comes across her site. She then talks about her beliefs and what led her to the work she’s doing today. Her “About” page is visually stunning and sucks anyone in to read all the way to the bottom.

If you want to have an “About” page like Rachel’s, she has a handy post about how to create a killer “About Page” right here!

Shae Baxter

Shae Baxter About Page

Shae Baxter is an SEO expert focused on helping women get their message to the world.

Her About page is almost entirely focused on the reader which is great strategy of attracting her ideal customer. After a brief introduction she talks about the reader, their business problems and their values rather than her own.

Her perfect customers will identify with what she’s saying and be hooked by her deep understanding of them.

These approaches are all different, but engaging.

Now over to you.

Time to dust off of your “About” page and add some stories and emotional honesty.

Happy writing!



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Hi! I'm Kylie.

Brand & Digital Marketing Strategist, Educator, AIPP Master Photographer and Superstar Mum of two gorgeous boys.

I help businesses grow with Conversion Driven Websites, Marketing Automation and Traffic Generation.