7 Mad Men Quotes to Live by in Business

7 Mad Men Quotes to Live by in Business

So I am an emotional wreck this morning.

What’s happened you ask?

Mad Men. That’s what’s happened.

I am notoriously critical of season finales. They never fail to disappoint. So I was little cautious heading into last night’s Mad Men.

But, I am happy to say it was EPIC in every way. Perfect end to one of the great television shows … EVER. Pretty sure I’ll be having Mad Men withdrawals for years to come.

How fabulous is Joan Holloway?!?

My favourite character by far. She stole the finale as far as I’m concerned. Maybe it’s the fabulous shade of red hair we share or her amazing sense of style.

That aside, her fierce determination was simply inspirational.

She was the savviest person on the show, strong-minded and entrepreneurial. Bold, sassy and maybe a little complicated. She was fiercely protective of her position and family.

She handled every challenge with grace and didn’t take crap from anyone!

Whenever I’m faced with a problem in business, I ask myself “what would Joan do?”.

So here are my top 7 Mad Men Quotes to Live by in Business:

  1. “If you don’t like what is being said, then change the conversation.” – Don Draper
  2. “Sometimes when people get what they want, they realise how limited their goals were.” – Joan Holloway
  3. “You want some respect? Go out and get it for yourself.” – Don Draper
  4. “I have a life, and it only goes in one direction: forward.” – Don Draper
  5. “You want to be taken seriously? Stop dressing like a little girl.” – Joan Holloway
  6. “I’m in charge of thinking of things before people know they need them.” – Joan Holloway
  7. “Change isn’t good or bad, it simply is.” – Don Draper

Throwing a Mad Men party? Don’t be surprised if I rock up as Joan.



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Hi! I'm Kylie.

Brand & Digital Marketing Strategist, Educator, AIPP Master Photographer and Superstar Mum of two gorgeous boys.

I help businesses grow with Conversion Driven Websites, Marketing Automation and Traffic Generation.